Twitter Update!

May 22, 2010 05:03

  • 11:36 The easiest way I've found to get dressed before noon is to sleep in my clothes. #
  • 11:54 @ RickAfterDark Chris Hansen. #
  • 12:28 Hawaiian Pizza makes everything better. #
  • 13:51 I think I may have just violated the Mann Act, but it's going to be a good birthday party. #
  • 13:53 @ creamymeat Wow, fun movie. I'll have to track it down. Thanks! #
  • 14:32 All of my friends get benefits. What a stupid phrase. #
  • 16:28 Drowning instructions: (via - #
  • 16:34 @ creamymeat It's supposed to be a person drowning. Hahaha #
  • 20:59 I just got a PS2. Now I see what all the fuss was about GTA San Andreas. #
  • 21:11 @ killbane nice! Who is she ;) #
  • 21:24 I think I'm gonna sell my cars and get a nice monster dually el camino. #
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