coitus girl is not literal

Jun 21, 2004 21:08

i just want to inform everyone who thinks the name coitus girl is appauling, that it is not literal. it just so happens to be an inside joke that actually came out of my human realations class in the begining of the year. the fact of the matter is that i enjoy new vocabulary words and i especially enjoy ones that other people dont know. so when i learned this new word "coitus" i decided to share the word with somone who would appreciate the strange nature of it. its sound said fast or slow can leave one who delivers it in tears becuase of the true hilariousness of it. the person who i knew would enjoy this word was my nice friend nick who indeed did appreciate the sound and meaning of the word. when i had to think of a name for my livejournal i wanted somthing "silly" and somthing that had a little story behind it too. "coitus girl" just came to me. now for those of you who do not know what coitus means the definition of the word is "the Sexual union between a male and a female involving insertion of the penis into the vagina." now i understand that this could be a little unerving for some to think that my name stands for a penis and a vagina sharing fluids but honestly its a nickname and also there are worst names i could have like "pubic gnomes mary" or "easy sally" or worst of all "milfred bilfman". coitus girl just has a nice ring to it. it has a pleasant flow and gives many a chuckle when read or said. so for those who were shocked at the fact that my live journal username is "coitus girl" just think of it this way: many and hopfully most times sex is a product of love. coitus is another word for sex. just think of it as love girl then mabey it wont bother you so much.thank you for your time.

-mary lennon
ps. dosnt that sound like a real writers artical.
pss. i thought so too
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