The first part can be found
here. Embedding is (smartly) disabled, but here are my translations/notes! These may be updated on subsequent rewatchings.
DISCLAIMER; these are really really inconsistent and i'm sorry but i am also too lazy to fix them. they are all pasted from different places and patched together.
why is the world made of twos?
men and women. women and men. day and night. night and day. dreams and reality. reality and
dreams. lies and truth. truth and lies.
why is the world made of twos?
strength and weakness. weakness and strength. enemy and ally. ally and enemy. life and death.
death and life.
angels and demons. demons and angels. white and black. black and white.
...why is the world made of twos?
white and black. black and white. white and black, black and white...
(the next scene is pretty straightforward. it's a representation of the creation of angels and demons; they were originally just the same bases. there has been a mix-up in colours, it seems...)
I am... born into the world of white angels, Kuro.
I'm... born into the world of black demons, Shiro.
(enjoy the dancing.)
alright! today, again we shall go with pure white feelings!
with pure white hearts!
wearing pure white clothes!
using pure white words!
forever clean and pure white!
that is we, the angels, purpose!
(we, the angels...)
white is truth's colour!
white is the angel's colour!
alright, today as well we have angel's work.
we shall go forth and select and deliver messages!
we are!
(we are!)
with cruelty and brutality!
(with cruelty and brutality!)
to make the world into the property of the demons!
(to make the world into the property of the demons!)
this black, wicked, beautiful demon world!
anyway i lost patience going line-by-line and i couldn't get a lot of this anyway. the gist is, the demons are calling up children and CRUSHING THEIR DREAMS by insulting them over the phone. obviously, shiro fails a whole lot at this.
the angels are delivering encouraging messages (up to and including 25253's 'I'LL BE BACK'). obviously, kuro doesn't give a damn. (GASP)
after a few swaps between those, the two sides perform mirroring skits. i missed the point of these but will come back to it!!
basically it amounts in kuro saying that everything and everyone is bad, everyone is demonic.
46104 says he's right then goes off on a completely different tangent and ignores him. (this is our first pointer that 46104 is a passive-aggressive dickwad.) the angels leave despite kuro trying to make them listen.
kuro says it's always the same and no one ever listens. he's black amongst the white, different and no one cares. he thinks it would be fine if they all just died.
back with the demons, it's time for a lesson in taking souls! which are white balloons but oh well. predictably, shiro ALSO sucks at this. he can't, he doesn't want to. 96182 tells him off for disobeying his orders. shiro insists he just can't do it.
OKAY ON TO PART TWO i will do that sometime.