(no subject)

Jul 31, 2004 21:50

Hey hey! this should be a short entry. Well, i was going to hang out with Brittany today which would have been fun, and i'm sooooo sorry. My mom took me to the beach. I thought we were going to the BEACH....we went to her friends house on the beach, so i had to listen to snobby rich old person for an hour. then we came home. that...sucked....Then i come home and cook dinner. While i'm cooking my brother comes out and takes over the computer, tv, and radio. yeah. big mistake. so i throw a piece of scolding hot sausage at him...then he ran to his room. haha i'm winner. geez, nobody calls me, no matter how many times i put my # in my lj/away message. come on people. what else do you have to do? yeah. that's what i thought. CALL ME D@##!%. aggh. i'm so bored. next week is band camp. then next sat is my party. then 4 days then school. anyone who wants to do something (britt) on those 4 days, comment. w/e i'm done. nobody cares.
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