Sims won't reinstall properly!!! *overturns an imaginary desk* There goes my grand plan to slowly plough through my readings while, to quote my brother, "the sims run around and do their own thing' (I'm just hoping they'll eventually get a pink heart on their own.. v_v)
As to why I'm doing readings.. it's because I've done none at all so far, and
Last, last monday:
T: There'll be a test on the 18th~
D: ! at least 5 readings to catch up!
Last Friday:
T: There'll be a test on the 22nd~
DX ! 5 + ... 3?
T: There'll be a test on the 22nd~
OTL ...
3 tests next week where I'm participating in 3 bday celebrations thank you bye bye. *dies*
So I'm staying away from all temptations as much as possible (which isn't much, but still), which mostly means a conspicious absence on MSN and online games..
So I fell back on rewatching Hyouteimyu when breaking from readings or dinner-ing... except it's almost 12 now and I'm still not started on readings... 囧 Only got home at 8+ after an hour of bday present shopping (still missing one! DX) and a half hour of looking for a book for my tuition kid to read 囧 And that's after a total of 5 hours of lesson and 2 hours of group meeting since 9am in the morning. 囧
title: 関西弁を使ってる宍戸 (The Shishido that uses Kansaiben =v=)
Compare that to Inui's actor's (suddenly forgot his name! suman! I swear I knew it!) revelation in backstage that he gets scolded if he uses Kansaiben onstage... XD This is probably scripted anyway~ but it's still cute~~~ XD Btw, what he says reads as "honmayana". (It seems to have a lot of 'ya' in general =v=)
shiy's (tentative) Kansaiben vocab list:
honma: hontou
akan: dame
ookini: arigatou
=v= Hyouteimyu is so.. educational.
Next: Jirou's molestation of Tezuka and the susupicious (??) reactions it triggered
And Atobe-buchou is very busy. =v=
D1 *critical point of match*:
Atobe: Shishido!
S3 *critical point of match*:
Atobe: Jirou!
I think they both magically returned the almost-scoring ball after that. Atobe-buchou wa kowaii na...
But probly less busy than Gakuto, who keeps going to pick up the balls during S3. XD I didn't catch if he was the one who rolled them out in the first place.. *busy looking at the K's >>*
Next: Jirou's continued harrassment
Takuya wa kawaii!!!
There're a couple more interesting shots I've wanted to take but never did. v_v ... But. Trying to read readings always have the magic effect of pushing me to do stuff I never get around to doing. >>;;; No wait I should really be reading dammit. 囧 *dilemmas*