Sep 23, 2006 11:37
To Indiana: Wet 'n' Wild enough for you out there, Eryn? Or did you still need to grab a bottle of lube last night?
In other news, on Thursday, the cable internet went out until the dry-spot we had in the storms Friday when they came out to fix it up.
Also, I have been officially "holla'd" or "halla'd" or "holler'd" at as of Thursday.
A brunette girl who knew my name called out to me and waved as she was going past from the backseat of a blue SUV with a UK sticker on the back window...
And I have no idea who it could've been, because, y'know, ordinarily, girls wouldn't say hi to me like that. I'm still wondering who it was though...
I've ruled out Jessica, Amy, Heather(James's new boy-/girl-friend), and Laura W.(Ned's ex).
Which leaves Cara, Kate, and that's about it as far as girls who'd match that physical and vocal description (the hair was half-way to the shoulder or at the shoulder, inbetween those two lengths)... that I can think of anyway... And who'd know who I was...
It was strange enough that I was freaked out trying to rack my brains and all that for about... an hour and a half. Then I couldn't blog on it so I just set it on the back burner so I'd forget to ask around at school on Friday.
Because I'm curious, damns it....