Holy wow, guys. Srsly. Well, it looks like it's picture post time. This is going to be my only non--friends-only post, because there are people who I don't think have an eljay that want to see it.
So for those of you who don't know, my friend Sean and I are obsessed with zombie movies. Friday, June 24th, was the release of "Land of the Dead," the final addition to George A. Romero's "Of the Dead" saga. We went, but we weren't able to celebrate it. The next day, however, we went in full zombie attire. This is how it turned out. Enjoy.
Me in a wifebeater I was considering wearing. But I looked like a wigger. BUT I have nipples. :D
Sean has nipples too.
Me posing in my torn-up shirt that I was going to use.
This is how I ended up looking after the first trial of makeup and liquid-latex. Not complete, but not bad either.
Sean, frollicing about after painting himself up.
Pork chop sandwiches! My God, did that smell good.
The wound Sean made on my neck. Oh man, that's gross.
Sean's leg-wound.
A good profile-shot of me, giving better proportion to the neck wound.
Close-up on Sean's leg.
Sean - the finished product.
Me, fully zombified. That red stuff on our lips? Red food colouring and karo syrup. You have not lived until you've drooled an entire mouthful of karo syrup down your front side.
And that's that. Hope you had as much fun staring at the grotesque, rotten wounds on my face as I did having them made there.