Oct 15, 2005 13:52
Wow it feels like I havn't updated in so long. My parents are here!! It's so much fun...we've just been chillin out, going out to eat, seeing the sights..playing in our tournament of course (we're in the final in an hour and a half! So pumped). My parents bought me so much food...so I should be good to go for the rest of the semester! So i'm sort of in a canundrum (sp?) about next semester. I'm torn as to whether I should stay here for another semester or come home for the next semester. If I came home I could save myself a lot of money that I don't have, buy a car, go to school cheap here, be with all of my friends and family...but if I stayed here I could be with my friends here (although 8 of them aren't staying next semester), finish my courses, and have fun being parent-less. Although I'm more a parents person...I like having them around. Am I weird? Whatever I don't care. So yeah..I've been praying about that a lot, but havn't really felt any direction besides my heart wanting to come home. But I don't want that to lead me (although everybody always says follow your heart) but I want to follow God's will. But don't you think God puts those feelings in your heart?
So that's waht's been going on with me lately...nothing too exciting! Tonight I'm going out for dinner with the rents and sleeping in Winnipeg in their hotel room..tomorrow we're just going shopping and eating..I'm excited. And then they leave :(. Booooo. Oh well, i need to get lots of work done..midterm on monday! Yikes.