Not much going on here. I am starting to get really stressed about finding a house/building one in time for the baby. The bigger mortgage scares me too. My hubby can be a brat sometimes (he like lots of toys), and I am afraid to have such a large monthly debt hanging over my head. I dunno, the hormones probably aren't helping too much either.
On the baby front...I had my first dr. appointment on Wednesday. Nothing special...he confirmed that I am pg and is sending me for an ultrasound on Wednesday to pinpoint a due date. I am really excited about that. I had one at 7 weeks with Bryelle and I am hoping I can at least see something like I did with her just to give me some reassurance. I have my first appointment w/ my midwife on the 21st. She was on vacation last week and I could NOT wait until she got back to get the pg confirmed (paranoid much?) so I just met with the dr. From here on out I will be with my midwife. I got my first blood drawn today so I will have the results from that when I go see her.
Ok I am oing to watch a movie w/ DH. Hopefully something good is on on-demand.