I would like you to meet Jahzara. She's a 10 yo boxer that only had a day or two left in the Topeka Helping Hands Humane Society because she is "unadoptable". She has spent her entire life in a puppy mill, having babies.
She has callouses on her bum and fight scars on her face from fighting other dogs for food and water. She's underweight, very confused and has the saddest face I've ever seen in my life.
She was spayed last Tuesday and the vet found that her utereus had ruptured and healed itself. It was a mass of scar tissue.
Despite the lack of love in her life, she is so kind and grateful. It's like she can't believe all the water, food and love she's been getting this past week.
The puppy mill she came from was directly South of me. I spent this weekend at the Mid-West Boxer Rescue retreat and we had the lady in charge of the State's animal welfare come talk to us about this raid. When they showed up, dogs had no water, no food and no shade. Once they were given water, some of the dogs were timed to see how long they would drink... some drank for 16 minutes straight.
90 dogs and 23 puppies. That doesn't count the puppies that have been born since the raid. Several of the dogs were pregnant.
So anyway, Stella lived like the Queen she was for over 6 years. Jahzara has a chance to experiance the good life now. I was told that I was Jahzara's last option, if I hadn't stepped forward and offered to foster her, she would have been put to sleep. It's funny, the turns life takes us.
I'll have more pics, as she fills out and becomes more comfortable with life.
Jahzara means "Blessed Princess".