Nov 15, 2005 18:21
i got so bored i went bloghopping and ended up on one called "orgasmicbread" or something.
... these things only happen to me. honestly.
so day2 of tech week= not so bad. plus a study session and loads of psych work= still not so bad. opening night friday [applebees after] and closing night saturday [cast party @ mderls post play] my goal is to let it blow me away. i'm tired of not getting caught up in the moment. im tired of letting lifes biggest moments sway past me. tired of letting performances that make so many cry, make me numb.
i'm tired of zen. make it go away.
so i've got this friend. and she has problems with herself. and she's disappointed in herself. and i don't know how to make it go away.
insights anyone? cos for the first time in my life i cannot help her. and it's making me crazy. [and no, it isn't you.. (i know you're paranoid about things like that)]
appropriate postsecret. its probably the first time that one really got me going. and yes, it is about you. and you as well. i hope you enjoy the vagueness that is dana today, cos i sure as hell am =]
awkward moments and great moments this past weekend. i've never felt so relieved in my life. marching band is over. its kates band now. and i, dana puglisi, am loving the feeling that i have now. its been such a rush, i've gotten everything i've ever wanted out of this band, and well honestly; its not mine anymore. what a ride boys and girls. what.a.ride.
i want you, naked on your rooftop -- lying in your fourpost bed