Feb 02, 2007 22:23
THanks for the nudge Jacqui!
WEll lets see, since i had last been on I have gotten back togehter with Chris Souva and we have now been together for close to 3 months!
we even spent Christmas together and it was so fun!
I have had Knee surgery...Details:
My right knee had a torn maniscus (a main ligiment)and it was causing me a lot of pain all of the time and it was making my "bone" deteriorate.
He took out the torn muscle (40%) of it and he said it only took 20 mins, the put a bandage over it and i WALKED out of the hospital 30 minutes later.
It feels a bit better, i got my stiches taken out and i barely have a limp now.
I still cant do alot of things but at least i can walk without a gimp!
MY hair is getting longer and i can "style" it all sorts of ways and thats exciting!
Of course i am only 15, and i have these stupid depressed teenager feelings: i feel fat, ugly, and out of place. but day by day it gets a little easier.
Im losing weight and fitting into my pants easier. :)
im reading again, i love reading!!!
I guess thats it...i will try to keep in touch over LJ, my internet wasnt working for a while, which is why i disapeared.
peace out nukkas.