(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 16:29

u dont see me..............i threw you the obvious just to see what occures behind the eyes of a fallen angel the eyes of a tragedy.............apparently nothing.
well another shit day at school YAY but got evs tonight so hoping htat ll make it all better, but i doubt it casue we have to do the shitty gig review thingo..........yes it was VERY BORING on sunday :P but thats what u get.
and omf NOO SCHOOOL TOMORRO THATS RGHT NO SCHOol i have supportive firends trainin, that rihgt im learning how to be 'supportive'mwhahah apparantlu it has something to do with noyt abusing people....:P why would one do that??

Well lets have a run down my weekend, i hadda get outta the house saturday so harley kindly had me over to do shit, so that was fun (god aint i descriptive)then i passed out asleep adn awoke early to go to ev's on the park whihc i thought was goin to be fun, but it was BORING AS ALL FARK but i gotta see maty and VIC again, fark that was good *huggles both*

and thanx for lal that put up wiht bad mood emo me :D love u all

well thats all from teh wierdo that is me
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