Feb 05, 2009 06:25
A few performance tips for contemporary Windows systems that I discovered last week, which became my week off from paid work and week on for enjoyable computer work:
1) Search for your Windows "Prefetch" folder and delete all files except for layout.ini and taskmgr.???. Then run:
rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
to update your layout.ini
2) Download and use Ccleaner, a program I endorse heartily. Previously called "Crap Cleaner," this program helps clean up the wilderness of a well-used computer's registry.
3) Spybot Search & Destroy, download and use. It's a great malware eliminator.
4) MalwareBytes, same as above
5) Finally, if you are experiencing slowness and bluescreen of death problems, you might consider running Hitachi's Drive Fitness Test to see if your hard drive possesses problems "Scandisk" may not find.