"Don't you have any pride?" "No, but I've got a solid grounding in the other Deadly Sins."

Jan 15, 2010 16:15

So hi, f-list!

I'm fairly certain most of you have heard about the recent earthquake in Haiti. And maybe some of you, like me, are looking for ways to help out!

Well, aside from the usual ways--donating money or time to reputable aid organizations like the Red Cross or the United Way, organizing fundraisers in your community, etc.--there's a pretty unique way to help out coming out of fandom, right here on LJ!

help_haiti is a fandom charity auction, where all manner of (not necessarily fannish) goods and services are being offered as donations. The winners donate the amount that their bid was for to an approved charity of their choice, the donors write them fic or draw them art or bake them cookies or whatever, the money goes to help Haitians recover, and everyone wins.

If any of you guys decide to check it out, my offer is here. I'm excited to be participating in this, and I hope that this message is helpful to some of you guys, too!

fandom, help haiti, charity event

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