Sep 11, 2010 13:03

It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION. It can be anything - OOC, IC, relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. my character's opinion of your character, or maybe some specific behavior you've been wondering about, or general thoughts on my characters or canons, my favorite color or variety of ice cream, etc ( Read more... )

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2nd_slinger September 11 2010, 18:15:57 UTC
Have you seen this stuff?

Thor, Ricochet, Mullin, & Rocket Raccoon.


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 18:18:54 UTC
I'D SEEN SOME OF IT BUT NOT ALL OF IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I see Laura is still not on the wear pants and a shirt train. Someday. . .



2nd_slinger September 11 2010, 18:31:37 UTC
I get excited and want to share. She's getting closer...? There's a jacket, at least!

He's still pretty okay, ICly! Minor drama about passing his 4th anniversary in Camp a few months back, but nothing he couldn't survive. I'm more concerned about keeping up with existing CR and trying to establish some new ones, so... same old, same old, really.

Explain FreakAngels to me, because I am the confused.


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 18:47:06 UTC
FreakAngels is a weeklyish free six page comic Warren Ellis and PaulMcPrettyArt do. It's Post-cataclysmic steampunk fiction that revolves around a pocket of survivors in Whitechapel. The titular group of characters are 12 young people with crazy powers, and these are the 12 people who kind of ended the world years ago. It is mostly Warren Ellis doing Warren Ellis stuff, survival stories and human relationships. And post-cataclysmic steampunk.

Your biggest hope for the Thor movie and your biggest fear?


2nd_slinger September 11 2010, 19:15:30 UTC
... dude. Time to stop being the confused and start being the readership.

Biggest hope is hard to say, because a lot of the movie buzz has already led to a big increase in Thor stuff in the comic world--new books, inclusion in more properties like the Marvel vs. Capcom game, etc. I mean, as long as they keep publishing the Thor, the Mighty Avenger book, I'll be happy. But in general, my biggest hope is that the movie rocks and Thor gets the mainstream acclaim I think he so rightly deserves... And so my fear would be the opposite, that the movie tanks and Marvel never takes a chance with Thor again. Specifically for the movie, though, I'm dying to see Thor cut loose and conjure a storm in appropriate thunder-god fashion.

Same question back at you for Laura's new series.


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 19:17:50 UTC
LIU KEEPS GIVING ME TIDBITS I ENJOY. I am really excited to see how she handles Julian and Laura's relationship, for example, because that is one of my BANESSSS OF NXM. I loathe their relationship a lot because it makes no sense \O_o/. And just . . . Laura's relationships in general. I am worried that Liu will tread too heavily on the INNER HELL!! theme, however, and the Wolverine in Hell plot makes me roll my eyes like none other.

Who would you cast for Ricochet if he got a . . . role . . . in a movie? ( I know, I know, it sounds weird to read/type )


2nd_slinger September 11 2010, 19:43:06 UTC
... I've thought about that one before and never figured out a good answer. (Possibly yes, because it almost certainly would never happen.) Also it's possible I'm too out of touch with actors around that age--it may be telling that my first thought was Karate Kid-era Ralph Macchio, which is... pretty sad. (He's 48 now, which is sadder.) So I'll go with an even weirder answer and say Philadelphia Phillies' right-fielder Jason Werth (circa 2008 before he decided to start going for the Grizzly Adams look), because he's athletic enough and pulls off the soulpatch mildly well.

... and because I'm unimaginative and also actually curious, I want to ask you the same question for Laura again, but. I will also follow up with: What does Apollo think of the other gods in Camp?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 19:56:46 UTC
SOMEONE NOT SUMMER GLAU DX I will really answer later if you still wish to know.

Apollo thinks they all suck because HE'S THE BEST. Well, not entirely. But he thinks they're useless WHY DO THEY EXIST and it kind of irks him.

What does Mullin want most right now?


say_thee_nay September 11 2010, 20:07:18 UTC
Also upon further reflection I might even consider Topher Grace, since he's got the comedic timing and a Spider connection already. Werth just looks more like Rico in my mind. ... and I would love Summer Glau as Laura as much as I love Summer Glau as anything, which is... more than life itself. Sorry.

Mullin wants what he's always wanted--for people to appreciate him, with a side order of a girlfriend. He's been getting more and more of the former since coming to Camp, but has had about the same luck as ever with the latter. But he's making friends, and several of those are girls, so while it might not be the romance he wants it is definitely the companionship he needs.

No need to spoil, but do you have any plans to app another character in the near future? Or really, I guess it's more of a question re: your apping style--do you tend to plan things out, or app more on a whim?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 20:17:59 UTC
I am planning to app again! I feel like my lineup needs to be changed, and am trying to settle that. I prefer to plan but whim apps often overtake my plans.

How about you?


say_thee_nay September 11 2010, 20:27:32 UTC
Anytime I discover (or rediscover) a canon or character I really like, I get the impulse to app--but usually I resist it for the simple reason that I have trouble keeping up with playing more than 4 characters at a time. So when I app, it tends to be more of a planned thing just because I usually first have to consider either dropping someone or taking a risk and going for 5. I'm toying with the idea of apping next counselor round, with a slight possibility of another camper, too, but nothing solid--if I did both, I'd definitely drop somebody, and I dunno if I'm ready for that.

... who should I app next?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 20:45:11 UTC

I am not sure! I like your characters when you pick them up but I rarely think MAN RICOCHET SHOULD PLAY ___ CHARACTER FOR ME. So, that's a hard question.

What is the worst thing Marvel has ever done to you?


tinmedalsoldier September 11 2010, 20:56:43 UTC
Would that I could.

... gosh, I don't really know--for all it's sins, it's never felt like Marvel's never done anything specifically to me the way DC did by letting Frank Miller make the Spirit movie. So it's a toss up between a couple different things, I guess--forgetting Rico exists except to tease me with hints of a Slingers or Loners revival? Killing characters with connections to him without including him when they could have? Canceling Captain Britain & MI:13? Cannibalizing Immortal Iron Fist to poorly use a kick-ass creative team on other, lousier books? Making the Asgardians suck just so Bendis could write stupid fight scenes in Siege? Bendis, period?

Let's go with Bendis, period. Ooh, or just Quesade being a moron and disrespecting 20 years of fans for his stupid OMD/BND/OMIT bullshit. I don't even read Spider-Man and it annoys me.

... what about you, but across any of your canons?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 21:03:40 UTC
Reborn's writing offends me!!1 well, not that, but I find the LET ME MAKE CHARACTERS AND SAY THEY ARE IMPORTANT AND THEN NOT WRITE THEM FOR 3+ YEARS kind of . . . annoying.

I Have Many Issues with Marvel. Right now I am most annoyed at X-Force: Sex and Violence though because. . . . well. Look at the title.

Best thing about Last Exile?


tinmedalsoldier September 11 2010, 21:20:29 UTC
... excellent points.

The depth of the story, I think. I wrote 2400+ words for an essay just talking about Mullin and the political and military background of the show, and that didn't touch on anything relating to the main characters and their stories and histories. There's just so much to the story that only gets revealed on watching it again to see the clues, and I love that.

Also, Sophia's boobs, Dunya's miniskirt, and the Flying maybe!Lesbians.

... can you promise me Laura won't go out drinking with Dante?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 21:25:46 UTC
No . . . but she probably metabolizes alcohol fast enough that she . . . won't get drunk? Maybe?

Rico's thoughts on the other Marvelfolk here?


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