Sep 11, 2010 13:03

It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION. It can be anything - OOC, IC, relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. my character's opinion of your character, or maybe some specific behavior you've been wondering about, or general thoughts on my characters or canons, my favorite color or variety of ice cream, etc ( Read more... )

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notonboard September 11 2010, 17:51:41 UTC
Do you ever get bored of apping your type/variations of it?

And Ageha (di[e]ce), Kuroyuri (07-Ghost), Naoi Ayato (AngelBeats!)!!


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 17:55:10 UTC
I DON'T but I worry that other people do.

Naoi gets four wishes, what does she wish for?


remakethepieces September 11 2010, 18:04:28 UTC
get out

UH. First, he would probably wish for something dumb and with immediate results just to make sure the wishes are legit and so he doesn't look dumb taking something possibly fake seriously, like Hinata becoming half Gundam or something. Then he would wish for Otonashi to be happy and content no matter what happens to him or where he goes, and for the rest of the SSS if he was feeling generous. He would take a long time contemplating how to phrase his final wish, but he would eventually ask to live a loved life when he's reincarnated.

Which of your characters are close friends with the Bad Decision Dinosaur?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 18:05:34 UTC
. . . is "all of them" not a valid answer. . .?


remakethepieces September 11 2010, 18:16:24 UTC
. . . hangs with him on the most regular basis?


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 18:19:23 UTC
Dietrich or Mukuro.

What were your hopes for Ageha before Diece got cancelled :'D


remakethepieces September 11 2010, 18:31:52 UTC
I WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT CRUCIATA, FIRST. afaik we have no idea where it came from, what its original cause was, how they rounded up members, why Kanade has his powers, etc. I mean yes di[e]ce is bad and must be stopped but I do think there's something more, and I doubt every Cruciata member has the same exact motivation for wanting to end di[e]ce! Honestly, I never thought that either they or Ageha would become major players in the series (pun not intended), but I did expect hir to have a slightly larger role, possibly due to whatever that personal motivation was. I expected hir to do more about or discover something about di[e]ce after Yuki left the base, and possibly end up effecting the course of the story or another character's development. If this was done awesomely enough I half expected hir to die, but provided the story didn't just off hir for the sake of getting rid of characters (lol pacing), I think it would have served the story decently enough ( ... )


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 18:45:12 UTC
I'D MAKE KIYO DO THE OTHER HALF OF TRINITY BLOOD the cos it would be hilarious.

What are your app pings that aren't trap-related?


remakethepieces September 11 2010, 19:47:15 UTC
MY MORE GENERAL PINGS because I'm actually a little tired of being pinged by my usual type! Loyalty, devotion, codependence, two-facedness, clothing pings (stitches eyepatches fluffy hair funky fashion uniforms et cetraaa), determination, conflict (typically internal), slight insanity but functionally so, hopelessness, moeblobs with depth (like Kana or. . Beni. . .), doomtp, a healthy amount of baww, jerks, tools. Also, dynamic characters! I do enjoy static characters but it really depends on how much they ping me.

Tell me why you dislike sausagefests!


cognitagonist September 11 2010, 20:03:13 UTC
I like girls.

. . . also sausagefests tend to fall into a lot of tropes I dislike. Either the kyaa BL trope. The kyaa everyone is gay!11 trope. The all girls suck trope. I KNOW AKI IS KIND OF A SAUSAGEFEST AND SO IS REBORN. I HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR LIKING THEM.

Tell me your top three favorite girls. in fictional series.


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