
Jun 13, 2010 17:51

Name Dietrich von Lohengrin
Age ~21

physical/medical/appearance info Supposedly he has a "face like an angel" and is a good looking dude. Kiyo flips out about not being able to draw him prettily enough. He's slender and relatively nonthreatening look and his shoes have a little bit of a lift on them :p Usually wears pretty plain clothes in browns, blacks and whites. He's relatively put together, but not immaculate.

what's okay to mention around him? LET'S NOT GO WITH "YOU'RE FICTIONAL" OR "YOU'RE A PSYCHO" unless we're in conversation prz ♥

notes for psychics uhhhhhh. He has the heart of the devil :'D; I would prefer if you didn't pick this up/spread it around, if it becomes an issue please talk to me in advance!

bodyshift/touch/spit/kill/maim/other things like that Just ping me! I like communication and am usually down for things if we're talking ♥ !

abilities he has these . . . string. . . threads. . . which he can use to hijack your body and/or corpses. He's also a total hax hacker and supposedly a crazy genius.
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