Oct 21, 1997 07:35

Potter Made Incorrect Prediction
Harry Potter purposely informs Hogwarts of incorrect information for attack.
by Donald Grubsfielding

Last week, Harry Potter made a prediction that a Hufflepuff from Hogwarts would be attacked. This prediction lead to a widespread fear throughout Hogwarts and the very structure of Hogwarts was interrupted. After all, Hogwarts has a routine: students go to classes, they spend time in their common rooms and the library, they have quidditch, and finally, they have Hogsmeade. It was Potter’s fear that a Hufflepuff in Hogwarts might be killed that ruined this routine. His information, though close, was not correct, and thus, the very fundamental grounding that the school is based on was destroyed.

Potter has been less than a shining example of a student since the year started. He first refused to use the Cognate Nexus Devices except for derogatory statements about explicit tarot cards. He later decided to defuse the very foundation of Head Boy and respectability surrounding the title when he left the school, only to be later dragged back by Aurors. His behaviour has been far from proper as of late and this has left much to be desired from him.

Furthermore, his information about why the Hufflepuffs should attend Hogsmeade comes from an unknown source. Will Potter come up with more information like this? It seems likely that he will begin to say that werewolves will attack the school by the hundreds, that the Gryffindor tower will fall and hit the ground, that the Ravenclaws will all spontaneously combust. Who is to say that if he receives information from one source, that he will not receive it from a couple hundred others? Potter is intended to be the saviour of the Wizarding world, but one cannot save others with informational sources that remain invisible.

That said, Harry Potter, the Daily Prophet believes that You-Know-Who will be coming for you tomorrow evening. At least, in the case of this article, the public will know where your information is coming from. There is a good chance that the Prophet is wrong; however, whoever gave you your information was wrong, as well.

The public only hopes that you will not continue to persist in wrongly listening to information. The world has a routine. It is trying to function to the best of its ability in a war. Putting people in the position of being ready to fight is far from proper.

After all, everyone is just trying to survive. Everyone is just trying to get by.
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