First off, want to wish a very Happy Birthday to both
trixalicious and
sarkastic!! Hope it is the best for you!
I am so behind on LJ things that I just noticed that nifty My LJ button that is awesome for keeping track of things like birthdays! Nice.
Also, I am looking for some advice on purchasing a new computer. I have been checking out the
iMac G5 and am considering making the switch to Mac. The only advice I have gotten from a tech guy at work is that Apple is great for vids and graphics but very hard to find software for. Considering that I mostly will use my computer for pics, music, downloading TV shows, minimal games, writing and other internet stuff does anyone know if itshould it be a problem? I know that Microsoft Office is available for Mac so I guess I am asking if anyone here has also made the switch from PC to Mac and if they have experienced good/bad or major changes? Or if anyone has changed from Mac to PC, which PC did you decide to choose?
In changing computers, I am also going to probably (finally) lose the dialup but am wondering if anyone has any advice on broadband, etc. I know the new iMac has wireless capability which I think will be cool, but since I have never done anything but dialup I need some help/suggestions in what non dialup option is best for the price and any other accessories I would need to get to make wireless possible.
I hope I have made my questions clear. It is just hard since I really do not know what I need to ask really. I also do not feel like getting hosed when I go to buy and end up buying stuff I dont need. If anyone has any advice or anything to help me Id greatly appreciate it!