Aug 03, 2007 22:39
Ok, I almost had to stop myself this time. I mean here I am, Friday evening, and my brother stomps into my room demanding that I take him to the gym. Ok, in his defense, it was more like "Would you mind taking me to go work out?" and I responded "I don't care, sure, let's go." So I guess I have no room to complain, but still. It's the damn principle of the thing. Have you ever been to the gym on a Friday night at 9:00? There is NO ONE there. No cute girls to chat with as your biking, no insanely buff people attracting crowds as they do dips with an excess 500 pounds chained around their waist. It's more boring than a Sunday, and if you are ever with my family on a Sunday, you'll know what I'm talking about. But still, it feels good to work out, even if it feels completely weird being there on a Friday night. And I'm glad to see my brother is preparing himself for football, so I do whatever I can to motivate him. Ummm... there was something else... oh yeah! I just wanted to explain to anybody who bothers to read this (and if you don't I understand, my life is incredibly dull to the casual observer) my username. It's Latin, if you hadn't figured that out yet, and means "I think, I write." Lame yes, but unfortunately Scripto Ergo Sum was taken (that means 'I write, therefore I am') and so this was as good as I could get it. Yeah, incredibly dull, I know. But you're lucky. You don't have to deal with it. I do.