The results are in - I have sleep apnea. I did sleep during the study, but only for a little over 200 minutes during that entire night, and never reaching deep sleep. I had about five "events" over the course of each of those hours that I was monitored, either snoring or struggling to breathe, and five or more "events" an hour is diagnosed as sleep apnea. It can vary, so at home, it might be more than that, but of course, I'm not monitored at home.
The next step is another sleep study on October 28th. I go back and get hooked up again, but instead of the little cannula under my nose to measure output of breath, I will be attached to a CPAP machine, and they will get me my titration level, so that, when I get my own machine for home use, I will have the correct setting to actually get some sleep. The machine will arrive about two weeks after my study, and then I don't go back to see the doctor for a follow-up until the end of January.
Today I was so tired I was actually nauseated. Add to that my co-worker, Susan, and her annoying music that I can still hear through her headphones in her ears, and it was a very exhausting day. She listens to the same songs over and over. Mainly this one:
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"Talking Body," by Tove Lo
And this one:
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"Worth It," by Fifth Harmony
Now, perhaps one time around for each of these is endurable - but that first one she played FIVE TIMES THIS MORNING. I wanted to shoot her.
So, I needed to stay awake, and also block her out, but I didn't want to listen to anything I already had. My friend, Liz, is working her way through the Rolling Stone Top 500 album list, and I thought I might do the same as something to stave off boredom at work.
Let's begin.
Number 500 is Aquemini by Outkast.
My exposure to Outkast up to this point was some of their well-known tracks from Speakerboxx/The Love Below, and from this album, "Rosa Parks." "Rosa Parks" is still a good song, and actually, I was surprised by how much I liked this album, especially on second listen. This is not a genre of music I really listen to, but there are some really interesting things going on here sonically, and some great lyrics. The real standout tracks for me were the title track and "Da Art of Storytellin'." And "Synthesizer" is fun because it has George Clinton saying some crazy things.