Oct 30, 2004 01:51
WHAT A FUCKING EVENING. Yuri and I were asked to run the camera and record the first school reunion. Well we get there and setup and what do we find? 3 FUCKING KEGS! Heck yes my friends heck yes! So we started drinking before the reunion started. Taped all that shit till we ran out of tape and gotour party on. I had 6 beers through out the night, a cup of wine and was buzzing 2x. It was great seeing students and staff chill and drink it up in that environment. Our school prez came out with a freakin yellow glow in the dark jacket with a HUGANTIC purple E on the back. Man what a night I shall contemplate this for a very long time. Oh and tara brought me some extra beer and that was HAWT. Good times. Tomorrow we're leaving for AES for the second trip, to check out what we would like to possibly buy for the new studio.