(no subject)

Feb 05, 2006 10:01


Around 2, Justin and Brittany both came over and we just ran around my house wicked excited for the concert, and finally Brittany's dad came and got us at 2:45. We drove in and got quite lost, but ended up at the Avalon around 3:20. We thought we were way in the back of the line, but as time went on we realized that we were actually righttt near the front (relatively speaking). After we saw a girl who was on MADE and stared at her for about 483 hours, 6 people from Justin's town hopped into line with us. If I was the people behind us, I would have killed us. But anyways we made like best friends with them, especially Kate, I'm like obsessed with her. We had some interesting times in line, when I called a number that someone had written on the side of a truck, and I realized that he was actually like 10 people ahead of us in line. Pretty funny.
FINALLY at 5, doors opened, and we basically all ran in. I actually got yelled at for running. So we got in and were like 4 people from the front, but no one seemed to be coming in after us, so I went with Brittany and Kate to buy our Hellogoodbye shirts. We actually had trouble getting back to the boys but we pushed our way in. Justin and I ended up a little bit up and to the left of everyone, but after Hellogoodbye started, we got completely seperated, and by the end of Hellogoodbye, we were literally in the very front and center. Hellogoodbye was wicked good, during Touchdown Turnaround they dressed up and I was ready to throw Forrest down and hump him.
After waiting twenty more minutes, ACCEPTANCE came on and I died because Jason (the lead singer) and Kyle (the bassist) are my two favorite people ALIVE. I was so close and so you'll see all the pictures of Jason are like in his face =] They played wicked good and I basically died and went to heaven. But after Acceptance the security guards were pouring water into our mouths, but missed my mouth, and got me up the nose and down the shirt before the last like drip got in my mouth. So on top of all the sweat, I was soaked. But I didn't care.
Panic! At the Disco came out next and Justin was behind me screaming like a little qurl. Brandon was so hot and so good and the crowd like went wild. I got in a fight with a fucking huge fat girl but obviously I won and pushed right in front of her and I have no clue where she went after that. I got like no good pictures of Panic because I was getting pushed around so much and it was fun so I didnt want to waste the funness taking pictures.
After we waited for 20 minutes smashed against the front gate for The Academy Is..., Justin and I decided if we didn't get out we would probably pass out, and everyone else was standing up on a step on the side where they could see, so we joined them. We could see fine, and part way through the set, we went to the merch tables becasue ACCEPTANCE was running theres. I saw Kaylan (guitarist) first and ran up to him and asked if I could take a picture of us, which started off this huge crowd of people bombarding him. Then I went to KYLE who gave me a free shirt (I don't think he meant to, but he didnt make me pay for it...) and I had him sign it and he gave me a heart on it because we're in love. Then I waited for Jason and he never came out, so we went back to watch The Academy Is. They played Classifieds and I peed. After they played that and Down and Out, I went back to the merch table and Acceptance<3 and I got Nick (drums) to take a picture with me, and his hood devoured me, and I loved it. Finally I took my picture with Christian (guitarist) and Jason was the only one left, but he never came. So I chilled with Kyle and he recorded my voicemail, so call me, 508 740 7684 if you want to hear his hot voice because I love him.
My mom and dad picked us up after all the action was over and took us to McDonalds where they gave me Chicken Nuggets instead of my Mighty Kids Cheeseburger so I was mad and went back in and exchanged it. The car ride seemed long because we were so hungry and I wanted to go home and rest my poor tired feet. Justin left right after we got home, so Brittany and I devoured everything in sight, then were on the phone for like 2 miliseconds, then crashed.

Today is the superbowl and I doubt I'm doing anything because my dad usually has a party and it's a school night and I have homework. But I might go get paint for my room because my parents finally picked me out some samples at the paint place. 17 days until California and 0 days until I marry Kyle.

me and brittany getting ready to go. heinous of both of us haha.

the line... ugh.

desmond, kate, jeremy, ben, sam, and justin in front.

back: justin, desmond, ben, kate, jeremy. front: brian?, me, sam.

same only more centered haha


what we saw from the line


forrest <3

cutest thing you will ever see.

costumes during touchdown turnaround =]

Acceptance <3333333 Jason, Kyle, Kaylan

JASON =] =]

JASON AND KYLE <33333333

Kyle my lover.

JASON the hottest man alive.

Panic! At the Disco


k Panic i love you.

Crowd and The Academy Is. NONE of the Academy pics came out =[

Me and Kaylan! (guitarist of Acceptance)

ME AND KYLEEEE (bassist of Acceptance; my lover)

Me and Nick (drummer of Acceptance)

Me and Christian (guitarist of Acceptance)

my signed Acceptance shirt =]

my new hellogoodbye shirt, in case you were interested haha.

Comment if you <3 me!
xoxo--> Colleen

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