(no subject)

Jan 27, 2006 19:57

I don't have too much to say today, or ever lately it seems.

It's Friday night. I'm home, and I don't feel good. I just finished the OC Season 2 on DVD which has given me something to do in my seemingly countless hours of boredom lately. But now even that's over. Maybe I could have found something to do tonight, but probably not. I didn't try all that hard, though. I guess I'm not really even in the mood. Joe came over after school and I made him watch some OC, we made tons of food, and he antagonized Linda. Good. She deserved it.

Today in school I had Math- which flew by, French- I think I may have actually aced my quiz, Double Pottery- not as good as Rachel and I expected but still a nice break, Biology- finished our lab, and checked on my sprouting tree. If I havent mentioned it, yes, my tree sprouted. I'm putting a picture on this entry eventually. Early Childhood Development- had Mr Stebbins love-of-my-life as a sub and had a hilarious convo with Joe Jenn Chels and Emily as always, and Double History- I got #1 in the draft for our upcoming research projects, so I guess I get to pick first. We also got our report cards.
I got an A- in Math, a B in French (A MIRACLE! I literally thought I was getting a D.), an A- in English, a B+ as my final cooking grade, an A in Biology, an A in gym, and a B+ in History. Fine, not my finest, but still holding on pretty well. I'm going to try to get History and French both to a B+ for Term 3, and at least hold all the other grades.
I just had dinner and showed my parents my report card and as always it was "Well good job overally but what happened to French?" No one can really make them understand HOW crazy fucking Osepchuk is. A sheep would teach French better than that woman. But of course when I try to tell my parents that she's a problem, they just tell me not to blame my bad grade on her. Whatever. I'm proud of myself.
Like Rach said in her recent entry, I have some goals, and I'll try to uphold them. I just have a terrible time not procrastinating. Honestly, how do people who do their work days in advance do it? I spend enough time concentrating for six hours at school- how can I be expected to come home and study for another two? I don't understand how to discipline myself. But I wish I could.

Tomorrow I have to go get my bridesmaids dress for my cousin Cari's wedding. It's in October, and all the bridesmaids get to pick any dress they want in the color she wants. Hopefully that will end up looking cool and not weird. I think I'll attempt to go for something classy and full-length, so I could potentially wear the dress again. Tomorrow I'm also hopefully painting my room, or at least picking out the paint. My dad and I are going to paint it together which will be a good way to bond. Not that I haven't been spending more than the normal amount of time with my parents lately. It's actually kind of weird. We've been realllly getting along. Probably because I have nothing better to do but be nice to them.
Tomorrow I'll probably spend another night alone at my house doing a whole lot of nothing.

look how it's grown =] and there are two other little sprouts if you look close.

Comment if you <3 me!
xoxo--> Colleen

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