Do I just not get it?

Jun 25, 2007 09:37

I'm on a couple of yahoo groups for parents with kids with CF. I'm not real active, but read the digests to glean as much info and insight as I can about life with CF.
As I'm reading all of these posts I'm starting to wonder if I'm taking this all a bit lightly, or if these other moms are just over protective nutcases..
Most likely it's a bit of both.
Case in point...
One mother has a neighbor that has what sounds like a summer cold, and another neighbor whose kid has walking pneumonia. The kid with WP has been kept away from the kid w/CF since the onset of symptoms (what more can you ask), and it sounds like the neighbor with the unknown cold type thing has been away since right before the onset of symptoms.
This mom freaked out and called the pulmonary ped that was on-call and got an RX for zithromiacin (sp?). Umm.. Isn’t that an abx? What good will it do against a cold?

These kids have to rely on abx to fight very real bacterial colonization’s and infections in their lungs. Shouldn't we as parents be doing our best to ensure that they only use abx when truly warranted? There is already a large number of drug resistant bacteria's out there that seem to target CF patients... seems to me that getting abx anytime someone near by has a cold would certainly lead to abx resistance in whatever bacteria the kiddo may be colonized with.

I just keep thinking of what my mom said when I was worried about Dylan being exposed to Pseudomonas when we go camping at the lake...
"unless you plan on keeping her in a bubble, she's gonna be exposed to bacteria"

Someone tell me that I'm not being to lax about this CF stuff...
Am I just lucky that Dylan doesn't have any pulmonary symptoms yet and being fool-hardy because of it?
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