(no subject)

May 31, 2008 04:06

Commencement week was interesting. In 10 days, I managed to:
stop an attempted robbery on my house
sprain my dominant index finger and spend a day in the ER to see if it was broken
write a 20 page paper
say goodbye to many of my friends and miss a few others
teach eight people how to stilt
try four foot stilts
find out that a part of my extended family is in shambles
create new friendships with alums and old Dallas acquaintances
begin to trust more openly
channel Tesla and Todd at the same time, more successfully than ever before
and follow my 2+ year relationship with Aries into a hiatus

I don't know which of these I'll end up expanding on in greater detail but it certainly feels like it's been quite the whirlwind. Now that I'm in Dallas, all I have to do is plan out the rest of my academic and career goals for the foreseeable future, finish the publication from my labwork that's still not submitted apparently, and stay sane in a city with no circus community. I'll be building collapsible stilts and creating at least one new costume so I can travel to places that do.

I'll sleep when I'm dead apparently. I wish I could relax, but this is neither the time nor (more significantly) the place.
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