but you won't let those robots eat me

May 06, 2009 00:26

So, I hate Steely Dan, you guys. A lot. This is apropos of nothing, except perhaps that they were all over my radio this afternoon for whatever reason. Hate. A lot. Muchly.

I really should learn not to read comments on entertaining comic blogs that I enjoy. Because invariably there is some old dude all, "I don't know what you young whippersnappers are complaining about. I'm not into all these newfangled characters. I quit reading comics in the 70s!" Which, uh, if you haven't read a comic in 4 decades, why are you commenting, you old fart? Leave me to my righteous indignation (that I have the sense not to comment with on an open forum, actually).

Anyway. District 9 looks like something I will be interested in. First, in Peter Jackson I trust. But, more than that? Social commentary by way of aliens is my idea of a good time, ppl. Taking place in South Africa, I hope they make reference to Apartheid that most of the viewing audience will not understand.

I'm contemplating watching The Spirit for the total lunacy factor. Apparently, it is further evidence that Frank Miller has completely lost his goddamn mind and is now crazy-go-nuts.

Started watching The Nines because it was available for watching on Netflix without knowing a damn thing about it. Turning out to be a total mindfuck. I approve. Wholeheartedly.

Um. Here, have a gratuitous icon of Cthulu holding up a boombox a la Say Anything. /random
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