good stuff!!

Jun 17, 2010 20:52

Hey guys!

Most of you are my facebook friends anyway, but just in case, It's a girl!! The doctor's visit today was soo awesome. We saw her little feet and hands and heart and it is so amazing to see how things are growing and developing. It's awesome! Everything is going just perfect and I hope it continues that way! It's really cool to now know who is in there making little flutters at me every so often. Also, so far I've only gained 6 pounds, which is okay, as the baby is 10 ounces and doing just fine, but i'm supposed to attempt to gain a bit more. I'm not sure how to do that as I eat all the time, but I guess I need more cheese and protein? I eat a lot of fruit and healthy stuff, but healthy stuff doesn't overly put on the pounds. I guess my nightly ice cream isn't enough either! Oh well, I'll figure it out!

Also, there is but one week and one day left til SUMMER! Can't get here fast enough!


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