Aug 16, 2012 17:05
I feel like all I've written this year is three giant fics. Which is great! I'm not complaining at all. It's just that I've posted two of them, and although I'm loving the third, I feel like I've worked LARGE for so long that I need a SMALL break from the sheer size.
So I'm here to ask for prompts from you guys. Prompt me, and I'll write anywhere from a 100 word drabble to a 500 word ficlet for you. I'll try to do any prompt thrown at me. My squicks are basically suicide, Neal/Sara, belly button sex (This may surprise some of you, and I'm sorry I haven't mentioned it sooner; it just never comes up, LOL!), and.... That's all I can think of off the top. If there are others, and you happen to hit on something I don't think I can do, I'll apologize and ask for another.
Thanks for your help!!!
prompt plea,
i love you guys,
hep me