Jumping on the Things-I'mWorking-On Bandwagon

May 08, 2012 16:56

RC and LV have done this, and I think it's a good idea, so:

1. au_bigbang for which I'm writing a Harry Potter AU. I'm sort of rewriting Half Blood Prince with Sirius alive. It's Sirius/Harry, and I've got 31k written so far that I'm totally in love with. I'm not usually so immodest about my stories, but I am really, really proud of this one. elrhiarhodan has been BEYOND my cheerleader on it. She alone has gotten me through 80 pages of plot, angst, sex, relationship, humor, plot-twists...the whole thing. She's been my guru for this, and I'm eternally grateful. *bows*

2. wcpairings. YAY!! I haven't even picked which prompt I'm going to do, but they're all awesome, so I feel blessed.

3. Um, maybe au_bigbang part deux, the White Collar version? I may have inadvertently signed up under both my names for this. If so, I actually do have an idea, and it's something I already owe someone for a charity donation (*hangs head in abject shame*), so that would kill two birds. Even though I love birds.

4. I'm also much more involved in the mmom than I'd ever intended to be, LOL! I have the flu and missed the first several days, but I've since realized, hey, I have TWO usernames; I could potentially write two entries per day if I wanted! But yeah, still sick, so I've only managed that one day so far.

Uh, I think that's it. I hope that's it.

meme, talking about writing

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