Dear Yuletide Author!

Oct 23, 2015 10:10

Dear Author,

Hello! I am so glad you're here! Thank you so much for participating in the challenge, and for writing a story that I am already sure that I will love and will cause me to dance around my living room with joyful abandon (at least until I trip over my dogs).

Here's the what here, generally: I love all kinds of stories. I tend to get really sappy around this time of year, so I don't mind gooey shippy stories, or gooey gen stories. You can bet that I will be reading your wonderful story amidst some very well-decked halls, so if you feel like writing a wintery holiday story, by all means do, but it's certainly not necessary.

I really, really, really love backstory, and I love stories that happen behind the scenes or between scenes in canon. I love found families a ton! I love character-focused stories; I love plotty stories. I love day-in-the-life stories. I love wild, ridiculous AU's. I love adventure, mystery, banter, comedy, drama, and angst. I don't mind graphic sex or canon-typical violence in my stories, though as far as sex is concerned for the purposes of Yuletide, I'd generally like a little more than PWP, and if you do write sex, please, no underage (meaning: no parties are under 18), incest, a/b/o, or non-con.

More specifics by fandom here behind the cut!

Magic Mike XXL

I loved everyone in this bar! If characters who weren't nominated make an appearance in your story, I am totally fine with that.

+ Two thousand percent here for Rome/Paris. If you, like me, need to know exactly how Rome taught Paris everything she knows, GO. FOR. IT. Or maybe you want to write Paris visiting Domina post-movie, or their reunion after the convention is over. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES TO EXPLORE.

+ Backstory! Backstory for daaaays for so many of these folks. For example: how did Malik start dancing at Domina? Did he find Rome? Did Rome find him? Alternately, what's a night in the life look like for Malik or Andre at Domina?

+ Speaking of Andre, what if his EP does blow up? Does he keep working at Domina? Do he and Ken stay BFF's after the movie is over? Do they start a recording studio/reiki healing place? Does Tarzan do the artwork for their studio? Do they serve artisinal froyo from Tito there? Did Mike build the furniture? Did Nancy front the money for this multifaceted business venture? Inquiring minds want to know.

+ Epistolary fic maybe in the form of texts/snapchat/IG/etc between the guys (and the ladies!) after the film would be pretty awesome.

+ A post-canon look at Zoe would be great! That's a blank canvas totally waiting to be filled.

+ Any focus on the Mike/Rome relationship would be A+++ amazing, either as backstory or post-canon. (100% here for D/s where Rome is in charge.)

Those are just a few ideas! I really enjoyed the movie a lot and any of these folks interacting again would be lovely. If you do focus on the guys, I'd really love a gen story-- while I am generally on board with dudes boning in fiction, I just didn't leave the movie feeling especially shippy about any of these guys (exception: Ken/Andre, I could totally see that). But I adore the friendships between them and the very real, honest emotional points of connection they make with one another throughout the film, and would love a continuation of that (plus, of course, wacky shenanigans).

The Gone-Away World
Elisabeth Soames, Narrator

I love this book so much that I barely even know what to ask for. If you've offered to write this, then you know how strange and wonderful and rich with detail the world of this story is, and I would be delighted with any morsel of exploration of it. I love love love Elisabeth and would really like to see some of the story told from her point of view-- she lived a lot in the years that Gonzo Lubitsch was wandering around becoming two people, and I would love to read her telling her own story. Post-canon shippy Elisabeth/Narrator would also be lovely!

Murphy Cooper, Amelia Brand

Any focus on these ladies and their stories would be wonderful. Amelia's lonely adventure post-film, Murph's struggle to find answers back on Earth, Murph's father/daughter-esque relationship with Dr. Brand in the absence of her father and his daughter, pre-canon look at Amelia working with the remnants of NASA to get the project (literally) off the ground, etc.

I know a lot of people read the film with Murph as an unreliable narrator for this story, a Murph who makes her father the hero even though he isn't-- he never really came back and never really sent any messages, it was Murph all along. If that's your interp, I'd love to see a story exploring why she does that-- why is Murph so uncomfortable with her own genius that she puts the focus on Coop in that interview?

I am also totally willing to suspend my disbelief and roll with the fourth dimensional future humans using Coop to save their ancestors, btw, so if you're writing post-canon Amelia and Coop shows up eventually with TARS, that's totally fine too. I think the movie is pretty flexible, or at least I am!

Hamilton (Miranda)

I am SUPER REALLY VERY INTO this musical right now and will be delighted with most anything! The only thing I'm not really here for is shippy Hamilton/Burr, but everything else, pretty much here for it. Some ideas:

+ Since every time I listen to the musical I hope vainly that THIS will be the time that Hamilton goes upstate: what if he had? Then what? A note here: I am not really into Alexander/Eliza/Angelica threesomes, but I am super here for mutual understandings of sharing. Including Laurens in that arrangement is A+ also fine. :D

+ What if, through the magic of fiction/time travel/etc, Alexander Hamilton is dropped into the middle of American politics in 2015?

+ What does an Alexander Hamilton presidency look like, anyway? WHAT IF Jefferson is Vice President?

+ Epistolary fic between anyone and everyone. Written battles between Jefferson and Hamilton. Love letters between Hamilton and lbr pretty much everyone (Eliza, Angelica, Laurens, Lafayette...).

+ Always here for modern AU's, especially any of these folks interacting on social media/text/email. I also wonder how much more A Ham would have written if he'd had access to a computer.

+ The long, slow, excruciating reconciliation of Alexander and Eliza after The Reynolds Pamphlet/Burn. Totally legit if you want to tackle that either with or without the need for It's Quiet Uptown happening-- I am 100% happy with fix-it no-death AU's but also cool with canon.

+ Okay, I know I just said I was cool with it, but WHAT IF Phillip didn't die in the duel, and Theodosia The Younger Burr didn't get on that ship, and their dads didn't duel, and INSTEAD those crazy kids grew up and got married? The wedding shenanigans! The family dinners with Eliza constantly stepping on Alexander's foot so he doesn't ruin Christmas by shouting at their son's new father-in-law! HERE FOR IT.

Really, just, anything. You could write me a college debate team AU with all these people and I would be happy, seriously, I just adore this musical so much, and if you want to mix hip hop references, A+ fine by me.

Still Crazy

Whatever you want to write, with any combination of characters (or just one character!) is totally fine by me. I love this movie and I love all the people in it. As I mentioned earlier, I love backstory, so anything along those lines would be great: how the band got together, how they found Ray after Keith's death, the day that Les and Brian wrote "The Flame Still Burns," how Brian and Karen first met, when Tony fell in love with Karen, why Beano thinks they played the Hollywood Bowl, &c. Future fic would be equally awesome! Canon fic would be awesome! Write het, write slash, write femslash, write threesomes or foursomes or moresomes, write gen, write ANYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES, for my heart probably desires it too. I wait with bated breath, okay.

I hope that was helpful! I had a bit of an internet disaster and lost my first letter draft, then had to recreate it from memory on the fly, so I hope I've made sense of my memories here! I hope you have a lovely Yuletide, and if you need to snoop around for things I might like, here is my Tumblr (I don't really use it any longer but it's a good record of things I like!) and here are my AO3 bookmarks.

Thank you again for writing for me! Happiest Yuletide to you, dear author!


yuletide, holiday cheer

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