I'm almost done with the photo meme pics! More on that tomorrow. For right now, here is some ridiculous stuff about Senator Sam Anders & Senator Sam Seaborn that I've posted on Tumblr.
Senator Sam Anders can’t take your call right now. He’s too busy telling all the GOP candidates how wrong they are.
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Senator Sam Seaborn celebrates his Florida primary victory with a few of his staffers. Missing from the celebration: Seaborn’s husband, Will Bailey, an attorney for the U.S. Armed Forces. Bailey could not be reached at press time, as he is arguing before the United States Supreme Court this week.
After Seaborn’s stand-out win in Florida, he goes on to Nevada, where his competitor for the Democratic nomination, Senator Sam Anders, is expected to do very well.
“We have nothing but respect for Senator Anders and we wish him the best of luck in Nevada,” said senior Seaborn staffer Josh Lyman. “And no, we certainly don’t have a secret plan to win the nomination. Can’t you people let that go already?”
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We sat down to chat with Senator Sam Anders, junior Democrat from Montana, and his Chief of Staff, Lee Adama, about the Senator’s wildly successful presidential campaign. What we learned: not only are they smart, progressive, eco-conscious, and ready to lead the country, but these guys are so wholesome that they make the Cleavers look dysfunctional.
US: You probably get this all the time, but why do you want to be President?
SA: Because I want us to get it right. We’re a country of opportunity, but lately we’ve heard too much from people who want to limit those opportunities and cut back on programs that help millions of Americans pursue happiness. I want every American to be able to pursue their own little piece of perfection. We’ve been going the wrong way. We can do better. We have to do better.
US: Your biggest opponent for the nomination is probably Senator Sam Seaborn. If he got the nomination instead of you, would you vote for him?
SA: Absolutely. When Sam Seaborn talks about education and human rights, you just want to get to your feet and cheer. Actually, I may vote for him anyway.
LA: Well, let’s not be too hasty, Senator.
SA: [laughs] Sorry, Lee. I make him nervous sometimes.
US: Speaking of nervous, this may be a sensitive topic, but the talking heads are saying that the thing that should make you the most nervous in this campaign is actually your wife, Eliza.
SA: The thing that makes me nervous is that it’s 2012 and we still have problems with smart women having thoughts and expressing those thoughts. My wife gets criticized for speaking out against policies that would, if they went into effect, kill women. It’s ludicrous that I can say that and we can all talk about the validity of my statement, but when my wife says it, we talk about the tone of her voice.
US: So, if President Sam Anders gets to nominate someone to the Supreme Court, will it be a woman?
SA: We have a lot of impressive legal minds in this country who happen to also be women, so I’d say there’s a pretty good chance, sure.
US: Mister Adama, this is your first presidential campaign, but for your opponents in the Seaborn campaign, all of this has happened before. Does that worry you?
LA: It’s strange to talk about Senator Seaborn and his staff as our opponents. Senator Anders and I consider them colleagues. Don’t misunderstand me, we’re in this to win, but as the Senator said at the beginning of this interview, we’re doing this because we want to help the American people secure the blessings of liberty, we want a brighter future for everyone. I think the people in the Seaborn camp want the same thing, I don’t think you can read the things that Toby Ziegler and Charlie Young are writing and say they don’t want exactly that. I’ve got a tremendous amount of respect for everyone in that campaign. They don’t worry me, they give me hope.