(OOC: This is a bit of a time retcon, just to deal with Victor Creed being in the Sanctuary. This takes place immediately after
this thread where Druitt, Raya and Victor talked and before
these two threads, where Raya was back)
Will holds his phone up to his ear as he listens to Henry's report. The residents with grounds privileges have been accounted for and Henry, Ashley and Helen are getting ready to head out to find Raya. He has his sidearm on under his jacket and he's on his way to check in with the Big Guy before the door opens into the foyer.
Druitt has Raya, who to Will's relief seems to be all right, and another long haired, hugely muscular man who Will doesn't know.
"Hey," he says in surprise. "Everything all right?" The question's for Druitt.
(nudge: henry, nudge: raya, nudge: druitt, nudge: victor creed)