in fear of writting an essay about the going-on's in hawaii... i shall leave the storytelling to word of mouth or other ljers.
now that i am on the mainland i can concentrate about the important things in life... prom... and designer handbags.
i took my dress to be altered yesterday. long story short there is a mystery spot on my dress (it was in a plastic bag it's whole life!) that i hope a cleaner can take out or else i will be sad.
but, on to happier thoughts... an updated wish list (and a more realistic one at that):
coach signature checkbook wallet in azure $198gucci baby bardot in crema $210burberry nova check tote bag in beige $190prada mini hobo handbag in black $80 i've decided that if i got cute purses that were smaller i'd have to force myself not to always carry my life on my shoulder. the last thing i need is another purse... but i'm addicted.