a new wand [dracolicious/boywholives]

Jun 21, 2009 00:48


harry has a new wand! cherry wood, dragon heartstring core, and one inch longer than draco's [teehee! also, how hilarious was it to find out that the unicorn from which draco's wand got its core was pregnant at the time of the core-collecting??? LOL]. i awww'ed when harry realizes that his patronus has changed to a dragon and i loved draco's explanation of Maybe this is the less mundane way of telling the world that you've felt protected by a dragon recently. indeed ♥. i can't remember now--has draco's patronus changed, too? or was it always a panther? in terms of magic harry needs to relearn, i guess he has to relearn everything from 5th year and onwards. like apparating, for example.

i also rather enjoyed reading about bean's birthday plans. it's probably a good thing that draco spoke up now and told harry that travelling to disney world would be too exhausting for him. surely there must be some other big aquariums in the uk that they could visit!

why did harry ask draco if he was happy? was that just out of the blue?



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