Random Acts of Blogness

Mar 18, 2009 10:55

Hopefully, my days of Bad Bloggerhood are over. But I doubt it. : )

Carrie Vaughn had a great link for a writing workshop from June to July of this year. It’s called the Odyssey Fantasy Writers Workshop and for the length and breadth of its offerings, the price isn’t too horrible. If I didn’t have a small child, I’d consider it myself.

Ever heard of the Dictionary of American Regional English? Me neither, but it looks pretty neat. It helps you find out whether you call it pop, coke, or soda depending on the region you’re in, and various other oddities we Americans like to use. Worth checking out, even though the printed edition won’t be out until 2010.

I was looking for this wonderful character building worksheet I found a few months ago when I stumbled upon this. The wealth of information on heroes, heroines, villains, and other random information we writerly folks like to procrastinate research with is astounding, and the linkage is entertaining in itself.

In my personal mission to sabotage my hopeful writing career, I’m debating changing my novel from First Person POV to Third Person. Yes, all 90,000 words of it. *head desk* My masochistic tendencies astound even me! For me, writing in First Person is just easier, but I see how the reader can get cheated on experiencing some of the other characters and have heard many times how much Romance readers (and it’s a Paranormal Romance) hate First Person. So I’m freaked, and acting out, and will do massive amounts of procrastinating research to see if it’s worth it.

Continuing on with the randomness…

My beautiful Forgotten English calendar was floundering for a while, but has redeemed itself this week. California-widow, or grass-widow, is one of my favorite phrases now. It’s nothing special-just a married woman whose husband is gone for a long amount of time-but it rolls of the mind so nicely I can’t help but adore it. That and the fact that the waltz used to be considered *gasp* obscene! Granted, this was in the eighteenth century, but I can’t help laugh when I think how the current dance trend is basically to have sex on the dance floor, and the WALTZ was obscene.

writing, forgotten english, carrie vaughn

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