♚ Why are you being like this?

Nov 24, 2010 11:57

Why Are You Being Like This?
pairing: Taeyeon/Junsu
genre: angst, romance
rating: pg-15



“Why are you being like this?”

Kim Junsu grabbed both her shoulders, shaking her harshly as he spit those words out angrily. She gave him a smirk before throwing the little white thing to the ground. As she stared at the tiny stick on the dirty ground, she couldn’t help but to be disgusted, with him, with their memories that used to be so precious to her. with the poisonous thing laying lifelessly in front of her.

“I love you”

And something inside of her cracked worse than the last, her hands started to shake, her eyes widened in anger as she clenched the cigarette packet tightly. He reached out for her and that was when she has lost it, she threw the cigarette packet at him before quickly backing away from him.

One step……
Get away from me

Two steps……
None of your business

Three steps….
Are you expecting something, Taeyeon?

Four steps........
Why are you being such an annoying little bitch?

Five steps.........
Why are you being like this?


She could hear Kim Junsu yelled her name out loudly before the pain took over her whole body. The pain was kind of relaxing actually, it didn't hurt as much as she had thought it would. No, what Kim Junsu did to her can't even compare to this newly found pain.

“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…Tae…Taeyeon….plea…please do…don’t leav…leave m..me”

“Why are you being like this......Junsu"



“Why are you being such an annoying little bitch?


“Get the fuck out of my life”

More cracks.

“You just don’t get it do you? You’re just another girl, nothing special"

And finally it shattered in to little pieces.

“Why are you being like this?”



She smiled brightly, innocently like she has practiced countless of times in front of the mirror. She held onto that little hope that it would be different this time around, that he will smiles at her softly and say something nice to her like she has always imagined.

“I love you”

It’s a new day; she tried again for the millionth time.

“Are you expecting something, Taeyeon?”

With a loud ‘bang’, the door slammed in her face. Without realizing, Taeyeon grabbed the closest thing she sees before using all the energy she has left to throw the unknown object at the door. That night, she screams and screams until she couldn’t even utter a word before seeing herself out of his apartment.

Kim Taeyeon left with a smile, a smile so sweet, it sickened her.

“Why are you being like this?”



“Oppa, I hope your girlfriend won’t be having any problem with this”

She closed her eyes tightly, hoping that when she opens her eyes, this will all disappear and this was just another nightmare.

“What girlfriend are you talking about? That whore? You can’t blame me, it’s not like I haven’t told her to fuck off before”

Smile. Smile. Smile.

Keep smiling, if you work hard, you will get what you deserve.

TaeYeon liked to convince herself that every time he cruelly breaks her heart.

“I was worried about you sunbae, where were you last night?

Some day he will eventually opens his heart for you, some day he will love you, some day he will be chasing after you, some day he will wants you as much as you wants him.

She told herself over and over again as she sat alone in her room and cried until she almost couldn’t feel the pain anymore, until her whole body goes numb, until she collapsed but she still gave it another try, gave him another try.

“None of your business”

“Why are you being like this?”



“Get away from me”

She wished she could say the same to him but she could never, she would never, she will never.
With teary eyes, she gulped down the pain as she watched as he inhales in the toxic smoke. Her fist slowly clenched as she forced a smile, tugging the messy strand behind her ear.

“Ah….I brought lunch, le……….”

It was like watching her heart shatter as he snatched the neatly packed lunch from her grasp and threw it across the floor. Her fake smile disappeared from her face as she dropped to her knees and pathetically, she started picking up the dirty foods from the ground

“I rather die than eat your disgusting foods”

“Why are you being like this?”


A/N: any Taesu's shippers out there? I would like to get to know you guys since this pair is my ultimate OTP and if you haven't figured it out, this is obviously inspired by T-ara's new song, 'Why are you being like this?' Enjoy, please comment and leave me some advice. 


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