On Vox: Dear John,

Jun 24, 2010 23:22

I hear
that you are
having a spot of trouble.

Dear john,
this is the moment
that you trust
that you allow
your faith
to take over

This is the test
the moment
let her go

let her go.

This is not your bargain
you think you can make half
but you can't
this is hers
and hers alone

let her go

Dear John
Rodlyn has
a new path
to follow
she has new orders
new walking papers

let her go

your path is to go on
raise your boys
tend your garden
make your way
without her
this is your test
these are your orders
you have new papers

let her go

Dear John,
kiss her
so long
see you soon
tell her you love her

let her go

I tell you this
as one who has been there
as one who has
as one who whispered
more than once 
"you can
let go"
"we will be okay"
"we love you"
"we will miss you
something awful"

I tell you this
as one
who has
had to
let go

Originally posted on coffee.vox.com
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