Jul 27, 2006 08:54
I'm not sure how long this is going to be, because my dad should be here soon to pick me up...
We are going to my uncle toms funeral.
I've been wondering, why is the word FUN in funeral? They are not fun, they are sad. It means that someone has died. Probably someone you care about. Thats sad. I know that there is nothing i can do to change the fact that as we grow older, we will die, but it is still sad. I can't imagain living life without my mom or dad... my brothers or my friends. Most of all, I can't imagain if something happened to andrew. I would be a wreck. I couldn't handle it. Then to top it off, what if something happens to me? What if something happens to me while hes down there and I never get to say goodbye. I'm so scared. I think about that all the time. At least when he is here - I see him a lot and I would be happy. Not that I'm not happy now, because i am, for the simple fact that we're together, but hes so far away. ... I need to stop talking about this.
Anyway, my mom has successfully moved. We have to bring over my bed - but other then that,most of everything is over. We have no TV for the living room, yet one in each bedroom. Go figure. I like my room. I'm happy with it. I've started setting it up real cool. I'll get to finish tomorrow, when we bring my bed over. I'm pleased with it.
This job at Eudici's is going alright. Not as well as I would have hoped, but I guess, I'll just have to fix that. Today was my chance to redeem myself, and work from 11-2 when I was not scheduled, however, I can't. Funeral.
Oh well, shit happens.
Andrew is coming home next week for almost three whole weeks. I'm so happy. He also got an apartment... which I'm also very happy about. Now I can go and see him without having to pay out the ass for a place to stay. *smiles* I miss him so much when he is not here. I worry about him all the time and I think about him. Sometimes its overwhelming, and I dont know what to do. Hes my everything. I can't wait until he's here and I can spend time with him. Face to face. The one good thing about him being so far away- is nothing becomes habbit. Hugging and kissing and everything else - is done knowingly and because we both want it. Not because thats what we've grown to do and its just a habit. The heat is still there too. He still flirts with me and he alaways remembers to call. I <3 that. He is the closest thing i've got to a best friend right now... no offence to anyone else ... but he is the only one who calls when he says he will, who doesn't make excuses, who is nice to me and listens to what I have to say and who will stay up until 5 am because i'm upset and he doesn't want me to go to sleep upset, so he spends hours upon hours talking to me about anything else, everything else to keep my mind off of it. He is truly amazing - he may come off little rough - but I know a different side of him. One that I love. One that everyone would love. Hes so perfect... and hes mine. I can't wait until this is all over. It will be worth it in the end. I trust that he loves me and cares about me and I trust him. I know he wont hurt me, at least, on perpose, and I wouldn't hurt him on perpose.
I miss him. I love him. Hes mine. : )!
Well, my dad should be here soon, considering its 9:10 and he was supposed to be here at 8:30 so I'm going to get going so that I can just jump in the car when he gets here.
I'll update when I can. Mom is supposed to be getting dial up in the next few days - so I'm guna try to set it all up to get online this weekend - but Ive got a shit load of other things to do too, so We'll see.
Bye for now.