Jan 01, 2006 00:16
Happy New Year.
Bleh, it's been a sucky new year for me, though. I didn't go to work today. I had a fever and apparently I sprained my back from when Paul was tickling me to death the other day, not from work. I remember landing in awkwards positions where I was like, "Ow, my back!" Although he moved me shortly after that, it wasn't fast enough, it was already sprained. I didn't feel any pain (other than momentarily in the weird position) until sometime in the evening the next day. And man is it pain! It's worse than cramps. Way worse. My mom gave me some medicine for it. I actually slept really well last night because I had my back straight and the medicine was working all night. I'm not going to work tomorrow (or today), to get over this sickness. And hopefully I'll be well enough to go to work on Monday. Oh, in case you were wondering, the weird position was with one leg folded under (kind of like when you're kneeling and placing your butt on the back of your feet) except it was only one leg. My other leg was stretched out behind me. I was basically in the "splits" position, all I needed was to move the other leg flat. And I can't do the splits so it hurt. And it caused pressure on my lower back. I was only in it maybe 5 seconds but it was enough to cause injury.