"Words cannot describe my pain, only tears."

Oct 07, 2003 23:24

Ever wanted to just die? I cried myself to sleep last night. I dont blame anyone for hating me. If I were anyone else, I'd hate me too.

Pathetic am i? I'm not the one plotting revenge like a 6th grader. Grow up. Wheres your maturity level?

I don't expect anything more from you then hate. I'm not stupid. I know what I did was wrong. Not as wrong as you think, I may add, all events, the very few of them, were completely innocent and not on purpose. You dont even know. You only hear what others tell you. They dont know either. The only 2 people who can tell you the truth is us. And since we are "dead" to you, I guess you'll never know. Funny how I'am so dead to you, yet you continually make comments on this lj. Please dont comment anymore. Your comments are not wanted here; At least until you realize how much you really mean to me. This whole thing could have been handled differently. This is not how I wanted it to be. But of course some "ninja bitch" decided she was gonna get involved in something that was totally not her business. Her and her "red haired asshole" had absoluly nothing to do with this. This was between You, Alan, and me. Frankly, I could care less about any of them. The only one out of you all that I care about is you. Unfortuanly, you don't care. I really dont blame you. Just realize that we are in the same social circle, and we do share the same friends. Ignore me. Thats fine. Just don't shun me. I had all the right in the world to eat lunch in that green room. I was going to eat lunch with "my friends". So get over it. I dont mean to be unsensitive, but being realistic, we do have a play to do and we do have many social instances where we will be together. You can either leave or deal with it. All I really want is a little civil behavior from you. Thats all I ask. Not for my sake, but for everyone elses.
"The Crackwhore Pony"

PS: You'll always have a place in my heart. Belive me or not. Just know it. I've never ever really lied to you, just kept something from you. I could never lie to someone I love.
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