Sep 03, 2007 21:53

So, I need your help
I know I have been a very very bad friend, I almost answered no entries, and I rarely have made an entry in my own journal, but the thing is I'm quite stressed with school; the second term has just ended, so I was all covered up with tests, and things to hand in, etc, etc. Now, I will get (luckily) some more free time - though this is only for a short period of time, since in two weeks time I'm sitting for the Mocks (they are the mocks for the IG - IGCSE - but they count as a ver heavy mark in the third term), so then I will have to spend all my time studying.
I promise I'll make a new entry on Wednesday (cos tomorrow I have some special "party" at the club, and I should study Maths too), and then catch up with my flist. Sorry again, I feel very bad :S

Anyway. The issue (right) now is that I need your help. Or at least the help of any House (and Huddy esp) fan. Because this year I'm sitting for the (English) Language IG, and there is this oral part... And I'm prepairing my speech on House, because we have to stand for what we speak, and you know, House is like the loveliest (ok, this doesn't exists xD haha, but you know what I mean) thing in the world.
So... I need you to tell me why you like/love/fangirl House (as the whole program, and he as a character), and bonuspoints for those who tell me why you love Huddy. Very simple, right? :)

I hope you answer back, because I really, really need this.
Thanks in advance.
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