Aug 06, 2005 09:38
Oh well where to day is already going to be hecktic but I just starts off wonderful. I got an email from my commercial "partner" (if you want to call him that....damn slacker!) and here he is going off ON ME!!! Saying how HE waited all day for me and how HE couldn't do anything to work on the project because I WENT HOME LAST WEEKEND! And he was telling me that he wasn't going to blame me becuase he didn't want to "stoop to my level and blame others for the problems that Im having with the project." OMG I knew that this was going to happen. He is one of those people who sit around on thier lazy asses and dont do much to help with anything and when someone confronts them and tells them how it is, they try to twist it around where it is your fault and they were trying but you were holding them back. And then he said that he had important stuff to do....damn you! I cancelled tutoring, blew off my 3d homework (which I didn't get done) to do the storyboard that YOU were suppost to have done. And if you call me "sweetheart" one more freakin time im going to choke you! Ugh...why does this happen to me? No wonder this guy has failed 4...yes 4 animation not gen ed classes...the actuall 2d and principles of animation and i even think 3d...and then he blames the teacher for it...saying that the teacher just doesn't like him. Die die die!!! But i will be civil about this...he has a chance to put some effort into it this weekend. But the teacher will know whats been going on.
Ok enough my hair is pink...yae! I get a lot of stares...its really funny! Im getting used to it now though. Me and my roomies went to the mall last was fun. I got hit on by the guys working at spencers, Joe replaced his old girl (joystick) with a new one...were thinking about having a mermorial service for her...old gal... and I got 2 new books. Well they're old books but I just got them so they are new for me! I got The Man in the Iron Mask, and The Count of Monte Cristo. Ive been wanting to read them and just decided to get them last night. Yae!!! I finished Kait's Manga "Fruit Baskets" I NEED MORE!!! and more "HOt Gimmick" MORE MORE MORE!!! lol. Well thats about it for now. Ta Ta loves!
pink hair pink hair pink hair