You work for Postmates?

Aug 27, 2014 00:21

"How do you like it?"
This is the second most common question I get. For the record, yes. I work for Postmates (though as an independent contractor). And I love it. Ask me again in six months, when the snow is four inches on the ground.

That's is the short version. The long version is... well, longer.
Some background. My massage business is on hold, while I am dealing with issues around my studio. I will be resuming practice, at some point. Though I intend to continue working with Postmates for the foreseeable future, because it is a good gig with some surprising benefits.

What Postmates is, is a delivery service. People download the app to their phones, and decide to have something (Nearly always food, from some local eartery) delivered. They order. I get a message on my phone, and I see what is being ordered, from where, and where it is being delivered to. Also, the delivery fee, of which I get a percentage. Then, ideally, Postmates customer service calls in the order, while I am on the way there. I get there, I pay for it, I pack it up and take it to the customer. They sign off, and I am off to my next delivery. On a good day, this happens about 11 times in 7 hours (My personal record, for a 7 hour shift, is 14 deliveries).
What this really means is I am riding my bike, up and down Seattle hills, for most of 7 hours a day. I have been doing this since May, and while I do not have a scale, I would estimate that i have lost at least 30 pounds. I know my stomach bulge has gone down, and my legs are way more muscular than the used to be. I also feel more energetic, overall. And while i would be huffing and puffing to get up Pike street three months ago, I now look at Denny way and think "Not a problem" (except when I think, bugger that for a lark, I am going around). I also note that I eat A Lot, now. I mean, I look used to look at a 14 inch sandwich as a days worth of food. Now, I think it's lunch. With Chips. And a drink. Oh, yeah. I drink water. I drink a LOT of water.

The job pays okay. More than that, though, i feel more ... connected, more at peace. As noted previously, when I was a kid reading Greek Mythology, I always liked Hermes best. Time passed, stuff happened, I embraced (or was embraced by ...) Eris. I am, and always will be, a Discordian. And I still acknowledge others, as well, and seek wisdom and guidance where i can find it (not going into details, because it is not relevant). Starting this job, though, I added Hermes to the list. After all, I named my bicycle that (partly after the bike in Kino's Journey).

And all of this is occurring, basically, during the summer. Summer will end, as it must, and turn to fall, and winter in turn. So, yah, I will be out there (not in a kilt, which wear for preference these days), as neither rain nor snow nor dead of night will stay me. Do not ask about big green things with teeth. Or Mrs. Cake.

Also, I am thinking about writing a parody about the bicycle community coming together to form a perfect society. Calling it Bicycle Farm (Four Wheels Bad, Two Wheels Good).

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