I've got to learn to not attempt to do work on the computer. I managed to finish an essay and read a chapter of Dr Zhivago, and then got bored, messed around with Sims, ended up going in game... next thing I know, an hour and a half gone! And I still have stuff to do before 3. Buhh.
Not that it wasn't fun testing out those poseboxes and a little something I messed around with :X
Leopard ears didn't come out nice, so back to the drawing board.
Blindfolds are using gauze textures, but didn't show too well in here. The brown has since undergone detransparentization.
This one's dark blue actually, with an aces and spades square pattern on it, though you can't see it here.
The textures need a little more definition to it which I'll do later before i upload... but really I don't know if anyone has any real use for this o.0;; I think this was an unconscious rebellion against all that reading I've had to do the whole week for class. Save the eyes! campaign.