Feb 24, 2016 10:18
- Mark Oshiro reports the harassment he experienced at Conquest 46 and the con's failure to follow up:
So. Hi, friends. This is a very long, possibly triggering/upset post I've made about an experience I had as a guest of honor at a convention last year. My boyfriend and I were harassed multiple times, sometimes by staff members and another guest of honor, and now, nine months later, I found out the con did nothing with my incident reports. Any boosting, reading, or words of support are welcome, but you are by no means required or expected to do so. It comes with a very strong trigger warning because... it's bad.
[ETA 2/24/2016 1:33pm: Update from Mark]
- Storify of Zen Cho's tweets on the price exacted from POC/queer/marginalized people in Western SFF fandom:
When you are a prominent, vocal PoC/queer/marginalised person in Western SFF fandom, you are often called upon to be a sin-eater.
- Storify of Aliette de Bodard's tweets on tokenism:
In fact, for every person who does speak up? You have a *host* of them who don't. Fandom just bleeds marginalised people :(
- Stephanie at No Award on Taking up room in con spaces (Australian focus):
Today we’re talking about cons, whiteness, racism in fandom, and that time a white American splained at Steph about colonialism in South East Asia, a place she is actually from.
cups brewed at DW
fandom: conventions,