I will have more Cap 2 thoughts posted eventually, but in the meantime, in imitation of
kate_nepveu, trailers:
Earth to EchoLooks like ET updated.
A Haunted House 2I dislike horror and I dislike most contemporary comedies, so I am just not the right audience for this.
I should note that, with 2 women/girls, 6 men/boys, and no crowd scenes, this was the closest any trailer came to gender parity. Also, 4 POC, 3 WP.
The Amazing Spider-man 2My newfound appreciation of comics Peter Parker battles with my sense of how annoying Andrew Garfield is in the trailer.
LucyLuc Besson does a superhero movie. Scarlett Johanssen does a "SERIOUSLY, MARVEL, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I WANT TO DO A BLACK WIDOW MOVIE" movie. I will be watching primarily because of the latter, although the former is also a plus. I love La Femme Nikita (original movie).
MaleficentI would really like this to be the movie Snow White and the Huntsman should have been.
Guardians of the GalaxyIt's nice that Marvel continues to make this film look almost completely unappealing to me, so that I can continue to refuse to see it. I hope it flops. I will never stop resenting that they are making movies about ANT MAN and a TALKING RACCOON before the Black Widow or the Black Panther.
("Almost" = two alien lady assassins.)
X-Men: Days of Future PastI resent the way the most diverse Marvel comics franchise is being represented in movies by three white men, down to re-assigning Kitty Pryde's role in the original storyline to Wolverine. But I may see this anyway, because (1) Desperate time travel to avert dystopian future; (2) Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, and James MacAvoy. (Unlike the entire rest of fandom, I am not that into Michael Fassbender, although I do approve of the way he portrays Magneto.)
Expendables III15 men. 1 woman. Literally. I counted.
To be fair, there are almost as many men of color in this cast as in every other trailer combined. I.e., one more than in A Haunted House 2.
But no.
Every trailer except Maleficent and A Haunted House had a ratio of at least 5 men for every woman. This is not including the background crowds, which make it significantly worse. Apparently major urban centers are not populated by women.
cups brewed at DW