Mar 15, 2005 00:47
RISE AGAINST!!!!! what an amazing show. holy god it was good.... joey and i went there and got in line at 2pm... there were like 10 other people there or so. it was freezing, and we didn't have jackets cause we didn't want to have to carry it around inside the show. the rise against van came right up and parked and joey and i were the only ones who knew that it was rise against. so we went over and had a little chat. i got my picture taken with tim (vocalist).. and he and the bassist signed the CD in which i brought along in case i met them. the fullblast kicked off the show and they were really quite good. i was really impressed with their performance. rise against came on next and kicked so much ass it was unreal. i was front row centre at the very front. my ribs are killing me from being pushed against the gate so hard. it was so worth it though, good god. i moved out of the crazy area for alexisonfire cause i just wanted to listen to them. they put on a really good show though as well. i was really impressed with them. afterwards devin, seamus and i wwere just hanging around. i bought a rise against shirt which is mighty nice. the guitarist sold it to me so i got him to sign my CD... so i met 3 of four members because the little drummer boy was no where to be found. then i was just standing there and the bassist pointed to me and signaled for me to go over wtih him. so i did and we were talking. and one of their friends is the drummer of rufio's cousin which is pretty cool. i was wearing a rufio shirt so yeah haha. we were talking and making some jokes and it was awesome. they are really really cool guys and i love them. that was pretty much my night in a nutshell!! i love rise against!