Jun 13, 2005 22:21
no matter how much i have bitched and moaned about hating east windsor and how much i want to leave this town... I really am going to miss it and all of its little idiosyncrises. I cant believe that we are so close to the end of high school. i am ready to move on intellectually but there are so many people that i am leaving here. I know that the true friends are the ones that i will keep in touch with, but i still want to think that I will talk to everyone. I want to think that our little class of two thousand five will keep in touch stay together, not let go o f all these memories... all of our dreams
I truly hope that everyone's dreams come true that we are all successful happy nad healthy influences on thsi world. There are so many good people in this class and the world needs them to stay that way. I am so torn at this point. Do i stay or do i go? how can i leave when there is so much left to do and at the same time i have been done in this school for months.
Have I made a mark? Will i be remembered or forgotten? Honestly who knows all I do know is that I have many great memories from high school a few regrets and a few tears, but for the most part i am content with what i have done, and what i have accomplished.